Differentiated system for different grain sizes

In this video you can see a pneumatic conveying system made by Apply for spices loading.
The grinder crushes the spices, which are brought from the elevator to the vibrating channel and then sieved and separated into three different grain sizes: fine, medium and coarse.
The fine-grained product is set by the hopper, the coarse-grained product by the vibrating channel and the medium-grained product by direct setting.
This is followed by automatic dosing and weighing stations.

This pneumatic loading system, like most of our applications, allows:

  • increase production
  • move product faster
  • avoid product waste and dispersion of residues in the environment
  • avoid contamination of the product by external agents
  • generate packs weighed to the gram
  • reduce the space occupied by machinery
  • reduce the working hours of dedicated staff
  • reduce the risk of accidents at work